
#HacktheHouse is a first of its kind project that will bring together the Montreal Innovation community to respond to some of the biggest challenges facing existing industries like real-estate and building construction, together with the emerging solutions being developed by large companies and startups alike working to develop technological solutions that will make our infrastructure, 'smarter', easier to manage, and connected with the world.

Directory Everything in its place

This page, maison-notman-house.github.io serves as a community-managed information repository for the project. Navigate using the tabs above.

Kindly use the channels below as prescribed.

notman.org Official site

The official #HackTheHouse page is hosted at notman.org/hackthehouse/

Eventbrite Registration

Slack Communication

Participants and collaborators are encouraged to use hackthehouseteam.slack.com as the primary communication channel.

GitHub Development

Participants and collaborators are encouraged to use github.com/maison-notman-house as their repository for development.

Digital Signage installations

Entance Dashboard

Large kiosk screen that faces visitors as they pass through the main entrance doors. Driven by Chromebox.

Code on GitHub

OSMO Café Dashboard by reelyActive

32" screen mounted behind the café bar, visible to almost all café occupants. Driven by Raspberry Pi 3.

Code on GitHub

SS Dashboard

32" screen mounted next to the stairwell providing access to all of Notman House. Visible at a distance after visitors pass through the main entrance. Driven by Chromebit.

Code on GitHub

Stairwell Dashboard

32" screen mounted inside main stairwell above door to main floor (1st floor). Visible as visitors climb stairs. Driven by Raspberry Pi 3.

Code on GitHub

1st and 2nd Floor Dashboards

32" screens mounted next to main stairwell on the first and second floors. The first is visible as visitors return from the mansion. The second is visible from the kitchen. Each driven by Chromebit.

Code on GitHub

Other Dashboards on the web

Tonal Presence

Code on GitHub

Netatmo Dashboard

Code on GitHub

Initial State


Proposed WiFi Landing Page

Code on GitHub

Datasets to crunch

Netatmo environmental data

  • M307 (3rd floor) through 20 01 17
  • M234 (2nd floor) through 20 01 17
  • M134 (1st floor) through 20 01 17
  • M034 (Café) through 20 01 17
  • Outdoor (Outdoor) through 20 01 17

Compiled Datasets


Code on GitHub


Style is standard

Style Guide


Unified API one API to query them all

A unified API was proposed at the first hackathon and work is in progress. Proposed queries include:

  • how many people were in a given room over a given period?
  • who is in the house?
  • where are the people in the house?
  • what is a given sensor value in a given room?
Type Route Description
Environmental https://notman.herokuapp.com/api/netatmo/environment Returns, as JSON, the most recent sensor values collected on all the Netatmo sensors in the house (see Sensors tab). Used by notman-netatmo-dashboard.

Partner APIs

Click on the partners below for more information on their APIs.

API Doc developers.my-bubbles.com
Company Webpage my-bubbles.com
API Doc api.dasbox.io
Company Webpage dasbox.io
API Doc Coming soon...
Company Webpage www.distech-controls.com English | Français
SDKs github.com/mnubo
Notman API reelyactive.sandbox.mnubo.com
→ Client id Rq5XlgEovIlnT7iON2lco9yhHMQ3nH8IrdBwFltdRsw7XkmoHA
→ Client secret t8wlAN30cpgOHSgz0W5Lc1Tcj8qe0RJsybHng8mMuuvbKcbWuG
Company Webpage mnubo.com

Deployed Sensors

64-bit ID Description Location State
35dd95220da1a184 Teal Door M307 To come...
82a3b63e3bf09d49 Mauve Luggage M301X To come...
e79ad1ae6d2127e4 Teal Door M234 To come...
201a1c507e60ee9c Mauve Luggage M231X To come...
b2d5d73799044c80 Pink Fridge M2-Freezer To come...
bd50e77c551f034c Pink Fridge M2-Fridge To come...
12130aa1975177df Pink Door M134 To come...
0a5f7502b7b9788e Blue Shoe M139X To come...
b92cd7c1cd681566 Mauve Luggage M130X To come...
b4522194048a10a4 Blue Car M031 To come...
553fd581e00ee1ae Blue Car M031 To come...
6d3ad3b00775baad Mauve Bike M036X To come...
0efca4f3710a0b8a Mauve Blank TBD To come...
ea2e931bd7afb79b Pink Fridge TBD To come...
f3ea6097fff6d857 Radioactive Bed TBD To come...
571bad2436b7f01f Pink Bike TBD To come...
25d7add5b5129027 Pink Shoe TBD To come...
180563d4c02cce6d Blue Chair TBD To come...
7536f178d908419e Teal Dog TBD To come...
8cab10d772131f10 Mauve Blank TBD To come...
e20f9c15abc63fa0 Pink Shoe TBD To come...
d9cff23b4db1711f Pink Bike TBD To come...
958bca978d3bbcf1 Teal Dog TBD To come...
1b253d8892b4eb65 Blue Chair TBD To come...
dba4f5fa14f2aeae Radioactive Bed TBD To come...
c0568bd3064dd9a0 Pink Blank TBD To come...
e2cd1c35cce69d91 Radioactive Dog TBD To come...
b264c65dcf6ed7b5 Blue Chair TBD To come...
5ba93a87676dd5ec Teal Car TBD To come...
9b3408a07754cbc4 Teal Bed TBD To come...

See developer.estimote.com/nearables

Device Location State
Indoor Module M307 notman-netatmo-dashboard
Indoor Module M234 notman-netatmo-dashboard
Indoor Module M134 notman-netatmo-dashboard
Indoor Module M034 notman-netatmo-dashboard
Outdoor Module TBD notman-netatmo-dashboard

See www.netatmo.com/product/weather/weatherstation

reelyActive Platform

Directory Reelceiver ID Place Metadata APIs
notman:third:west 001bc509408100df HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:third:centre 001bc5094081010b HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:third:east 001bc5094081010c HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:second:west 001bc509408100dc HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:second:centre 001bc509408100dd HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:second:east 001bc509408100de HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:first:west 001bc509408100d9 HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:first:centre 001bc509408100da HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:first:east 001bc509408100db HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:cafe 001bc5094081013d HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:cafe 001bc5094b289f0e (Raspberry Pi) HTML | Source What at? | Context at?
notman:cafe 001bc50940800028 (Active RFID) HTML | Source What at? | Context at?